Please refer to the Installing Coot on OS X page
OS X install packages for nightly builds that work on 10.8.X and 10.9.X are available here: Coot OS X package installers Installing Coot Edit Installing Coot on OS X Edit
4.20 how to enable the interactive dots during RS refinement and the Ramachandran polyeders?.4.19 specify Coot download directory, like specifying backup dir by COOT_BACKUP_DIR?.4.16 make RSR in coot 0.8.1 behave like in earlier versions.4.14 reading MTZ file with experimental PHI and FOM using -auto.4.10 Disulfide bond across crystallographic axis.4.6 Setting default to show symmetry-related molecules.4.2 Get rid of the "fix nomenclature" check.
4 Assorted questions and answers (from the mailinglist). 2.4.2 Running a Scheme/Python command from Python/Scheme. Simple rules for Scheme to Python translations. 2.4.1 Translating between Python and Scheme. 2.3.3 Example 3: NCS Rotamer differences. 2.3.2 Example 2: More key bindings (inspired by the Coot BB).
2.3.1 Example 1: Bernhard Lohkamp's Key Bindings. 2.2.13 Optional Wrappers and (External) Shell Script Enhancements. 2.2.12 Example 11: Paul Emsley's Key Bindings. 2.2.11 Example 10: How do I bind a key to Toggle the display of NCS ghosts?. 2.2.10 Example Script 9: A GUI for Chopping Back Sidechains from a Residue Range. 2.2.9 Example Script 8: Partial Occupancy Dialog. 2.2.8 Example Scheme Script 7: Applying arbitrary value to "B" factor column. 2.2.7 Example Scheme Script 6: Creating an interface for the Powermate Dial. 2.2.6 Example Scheme Script 5: Saving a Partial model. 2.2.5 Example Scheme Script 4: Load the Latest Data and PDB files Automatically. 2.2.4 Example Scheme Script 3: Read CNS data. 2.2.3 Example Scheme Script 2: Demo a Few of Coot's Features. 2.2.2 Example Scheme Script 1: Move to Molecule Centres. 2.1.3 Stereo: left/right (and front/back) interchanged?. 1.3.2 Installation from source code via autobuild scripts. Example: installing a 64bit nightly CentOS5 binary build on 64bit SL6.1. 1.3.1 Installation from a distributed binary tarball package.